Age 9
Ithaca, NY
I am a student at Belle Sherman Elementary. I wanted to encourage people to vote because it is a duty for everyone who can. I also am looking forward to vote in presidential elections.
Age 9
Ithaca, NY
I am a student at Belle Sherman Elementary. I wanted to encourage people to vote because it is a duty for everyone who can. I also am looking forward to vote in presidential elections.
Age 8
Northport, NY
I am in third grade and I am learning at home this year. I love painting and I like to ride horses and my favorite food is mac and cheese. Speaking up is important to me because I want young voters and protesters to be inspired to vote. I want people to vote for Biden and Harris and also for people’s freedoms. I used puff paints and pens to create this painting, which shows people holding up signs at a protest. The sunset is made of some of my favorite colors and it shows how maybe tomorrow will be a more beautiful day if people vote.
Age 11
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I like to draw, paint, and dance. What inspired me to do this is that I think everyone should be able to have a voice and speak up for what’s right.
Age 11
Philadelphia, PA
I’m a totally normal child, born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico; living in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I’m the middle one, from two other sisters. My Dad passed away when I was only three days born, since I was 7 months old my mom moved to Philadelphia and meet my stepdad who’s been awesome and really good to my big sister and I. In 2015 my little sister came to our lives. I’ll always remember, since I was a smaller kid, I’ve always loved to draw. Drawing is my best way to express my feelings, I’m not really good at talking, and drawing I can express whatever I want. I got inspired to enter this contest, not to win, but to motivate all the adults to raise their voices for all of us, the children and vote for our future. The first motivation is the currents events happening, we truly need a good leader, our lives have to be in goods hands, and only voting we can achieve that.
Age 9
Ithaca, NY
I didn’t exactly have an inspiration I just had an image and wanted to make it real.
Age 11
Philadelphia, PA
I am in 6th grade. I love to draw, sing, and dance. My design represents what I want to be when I grow up.
Age 16
San Francisco, California
For as long as I can remember I’ve been a passionate crafter and artist. I am currently a Senior in high school and love to explore all different kinds of techniques and materials in my art. When I read the prompt for this challenge, I instantly knew that I wanted to create an image that was bold but simple. Having recently become interested in paper cutting and collaging, I decided this would be the perfect medium for this piece. As I was creating the piece, I wanted to convey a sense of harmony and togetherness for the image and it’s message. Each of the colors are represented equally across the individuals, symbolizing the connectedness that lies within all of us.
Age 10
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The artist who inspired me was Frida Kahlo. The reason why I chose Frida is because Frida was an independent woman and she was a wonderful artist. The reason why I picked to create this piece of art is because I had a dream that if you want to fly to the top, you can whenever you want and that’s your view.
Age 10
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I’m in the 6th grade at conwell magnet middle school. Ii love to draw and art is just my happy place. I love to make painting and inspire people on different topics and different art work. Art is my way of expressing myself and I love it. My design was inspired by a piece of art I saw while scrolling thru google’s ideas. My work has some inspirational words and statements that might convince people to vote. Because after all, one vote can make so many changes. I have decorated my poster with flowers, quotes and a drawing I learned inspired by Keith Haring and I really love the outcome of it. The thing that inspired me to join this contest wasn’t the money. It was the topic and it was the piece of art. I love to convince people to vote because with their vote we can change many things.
Age 10
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I have always been inspired by many different types of art since I was a toddler. Recently the protests have been inspiring me to do more political and human rights related artwork and I was convinced to enter this art contest about it and voting for the right person. I hope to inspire some people with my art in the future.